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Mostly Speakin' Sentai 49:"If Someone Screams: Neg Them!" w/ Wesley Tilford


We're finding our way through podcasting and invisible monsters today with our guest Wesley Tilford because we're watching episode 21 of Carranger entitled "The Carnavi That Surpassed Carnavi"! On top of all that, we chat about Deers & Batties, Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid with Ranger Command Power Hour, Fortnite, introducing our guest, middle names, we air controversy with The Basement Diaries, freak necks, loving guns, crashing, past relationships, mashing up songs, Jedi communes, Mrs. Piggy, waking Frank, 1920's cartoons, debating planets, our Captain Planet rings, Gore Masher, we pitch a movie to Wes, thiccc lips, reckless driving, crying on art, Wes' web series "Concessions", & more! Follow Wes on Instagram @wesleytilford & Twitter @Wes_Tilford. Listen to his podcast "The Basement Diaries" wherever podcasts are found! Also, watch his web series "Concessions" on YouTube!

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