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PATREON PODCAST PREVIEW - The Toku Reading Corner: "No King Without A Queen" Chpt 1

Happy New Year, everyone! We have one last Patreon release for you in the free feed to close out the holiday season! We'll be back to normal Timeranger releases next week, but for now enjoy Nicole's tokusatsu fanfic Patreon podcast, "The Toku Reading Corner"! Note for this episode, if things start to get a little sensual in the fanfic, don't worry. Nicole self-edits out anything even close to extreme. You can listen to this, and many more, on!

"Nicole is back in her nook with a book! This week she starts her (potentially 6 part) venture into the Godzilla fanfic entitled 'No King Without A Queen', written by Zero2o1o, a new take on the Godzilla series where Mothra is a 17 year old high school student with super powers moving to a brand new city senior year! Come join Nicole for a journey through a one hectic high school, and hey, maybe you'll meet some old friends!

Godzilla covers arranged and produced by James 'Marsh Land Monster' McCollum. Songs from the entire fanfic series are available on Patreon for your listening pleasure!" Listen to Mostly Speakin' Sentai on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & Stitcher!

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