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Mostly Lovin' Lucha 04: "Digimon Is Woke!" with Katie & Melzer


It's time to get jacked once again because we're joined by Mostly Speakin' Sentai All-Star guest Melzer and he brought along fellow Muscular Clown & producer Katie (@GenericBrunette on Twitter)! We watched episode 6 of Los Luchadores entitled "The Whelp Strikes Back"! We also talk about what our fathers suggesting new jobs to us, musical theater in Christian colleges, Katie & Melzer choose their own adventure, we chat about twins, TV shows that made us uncool, Katie's lost save on The Sims, James gives back story on an original song he recorded for Muscular Clown's "Todd Grobin's Going Away Party", Jimmy Iovine, we find the perfect formula for every children's show, better ways the Whelp could have taken over Union City, Christian media, James tells the story of how his parents explained a family friend's transitioning when he was 7, Ritz Crackers & much more! Follow Muscular Clown on Twitter @MuscularClown, subscribe on YouTube, look up "The Street Wizards Apprentice" on Amazon Prime, and watch the first episode of Todd Grobin's Going Away Party now! Follow Katie on Twitter @GenericBrunette & Melzer @Mtmelzer. Also, check out Melzer's other project, Morph Bots, on Vimeo because it's AMAZING! Listen to Mostly Speakin' Sentai on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & Stitcher!

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