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Mostly Lovin' Lucha 09: "Milk is Decorative" w/ Pete Byrne & Sean Marciniak

Comedy is in control on the podcast today because we have returning guest Pete Byrne (Morph Bots and TwoManHammer) and stand up Sean Marciniak on to talk about episode 11 of Los Luchadores entitled "Here Comes the Sludge"! On top of all that, we chat about ulcers returning, finding the right doctor, the rise and falls of wrestling, flushable wipes, grain vs paper, Nicole badgers James for freon discussion, mixing alcohol and cereal, spitting in the sink, working a little on Muscular Clown's "Todd Grobin's Going Away Party", frog in hot water, the balance of art and suffering, Los Luchadores episode titles, baby arm nightmares, Sean explains what he loves about Los Luchadores, Pete says when he hates about Los Luchadores, comedic writing in children shows, proper justice for The Whelp's victims, animals acting in children movies, & more! Follow Sean @SeanMarciniak on Instagram & Twitter! Watch Pete in TwoManHammer on YouTube and his comedic redubbing of Juukou B-Fighter called Morph Bots on! Also, follow @MuscularClown & @ChannelFullx on Twitter to know right away when Todd Grobin's Going Away Party is out, which both Pete & James worked on for past MSS guests Melzer, Katie, and Matthew! Listen to Mostly Speakin' Sentai on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & Stitcher!

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