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Mostly Lovin' Lucha EP 12: "The Illegal Crib Comes Into Play!"


No, we didn't mess up and forget to turn on Nicole or the guest's mics today, they simple aren't here! That's right, James is going it alone while watching episode 15 of Los Luchadores entitled "The Champ" but actually titled "A World Without Lobo"! But on top of all that, he explains why he is alone on the episode, answers life/relationship questions from fans on Twitter, outlines/conceptualizes a fully original episode of Los Luchadores in under 15 minutes with the help a randomized madlib, gives an extra beefed up episode summary, talks about banana peels, Kat Dennings, Canadian style, Smaug Daze, Whelp propaganda, combing hairs in front of Nicole, growing up with only sisters, Homer growls, pauper's grave, Taylor Swift music, & more! Listen to Mostly Speakin' Sentai (Mostly Lovin' Lucha) on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & Stitcher!

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