We're transforming like a Magical Girl today because we started the White Racer arc with episode 25 of Carranger entitled "The Mysterious Intruding Girl!" But on top of talking about magical girls with outfit wands, we discuss hyphenated words, Frank kneading genitals, Nicole walking out of the recording, grassy knolls, the legal issues with uprooting a tree, converting energy within one's body, The Rise of Skywalker, hearing stinky faces, polymorphing, starting Neon Genesis, Nicole's fears of going back to work, stand up routines, CAD printers, hearing voices from within, hemorrhaging fans, Nicole slips into mania, Mac pinwheels, the Zokuranger, centaurs, kind-hearted weapons, the most unmanly thing we've done, bar trivia, Nicole does the shouts outs, & more! Listen to Mostly Speakin' Sentai on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & Stitcher! Want to hear more from your favorite Marsh Land Media hosts? Hear exclusive shows, podcasts, and content by heading to Patreon.com/MLMpod!