We're crying tears of sadness in the rain because guestless... also because we watched Case Files 39 and 40 of Timeranger entitled "A Lie Soaked in Rain" & "Ayase Retires!?"! Join us as we discuss working at Nick, "How I Met Your Mother", rose water, the biology of The Whopper, being alone in the apartment, sign language, Texas Chainsaw, GG Allin, stingray, Timeranger vaccinations, Socks letting the world burn, bunk beds, turning 30, gak, Chris Jericho's "Fozzy", SlenderWOMEN, & more! Listen to Mostly Speakin' Sentai on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & Stitcher! Want to hear more from your favorite Marsh Land Media hosts? Hear exclusive shows, podcasts, and content by heading to Patreon.com/MLMpod!
Mostly Speakin' Sentai EP 119: "Gak for Blood"