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From Behind the PATREON WALL! Talkin' 'Bout Beyblade EP 10: "A Nightmare In Our Clubhouse"


It's the holiday season and co-host, producer, editor, and all behind the scenes man James needs a little time off. However, we don't want you to go without great podcasting from us! So, this month we're pulling out a couple Patreon exclusive episodes from behind the paywall for you to enjoy, starting with episode 10 of Talkin' 'Bout Beyblade, James' one COMMUNITY podcast where he's going through every episode of season 1 of Beyblade! So strap in for a fun ride! James intros the episode but if you'd like to fast forward to Talkin' 'Bout Beyblade, timestamp is 2:59! Hear this, and SO much more by visiting and signing up today! "The Bullet Point Maniac is back to chat and play games this week while discuss episode 10 of Beyblade entitled 'Battle in the Sky'! James is also joined by a nightmarish fiend, talks about world traitors, alcoholic tweens, Pokemon card strategies, & more! Watch along, free and legally, on the Beyblade Official YouTube channel!" Listen to Mostly Speakin' Sentai on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & Stitcher!

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