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Mostly Speakin' Sentai EP 203: "The Crucifix of Spiders" w/ Doug & Derek of "Walloping Websnappers!"

Great art makes the mind's most frightful realities come true, especially if it's about war and orphandom, because we watched episode 21 of Toei's Spider-Man entitled, “A Father's Love Scatters in the Wild Blue Yonder”! We're joined this week by Doug (@ickybooley) & Derek (@DerekBGayle) of the Spider-Man cartoon podcast, "Walloping Websnappers!" Come along as we chat about Christianity, 1977's "House", guesting on podcasts, Son of Rambo, Spider-Man on the cross, dam dog callbacks, Morse code, student artwork, the Dominator, scary stunts, Gwen Stacy back breakings, "Step By Step", Spider-Manslaughter, train stunts, pandas, gators, & more!

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